Oak Park Deli

Caterer In In Toronto, Ontario



213 Oak Park Avenue, Toronto, ON M4C 4N2


Oak Park Deli

About Us

In 2002, Toula Nikolopoulos left for a two-month vacation in Greece. It took her five years to get back home.

She fell in love with the Mediterranean lifestyle and stayed to explore the sights, the sounds and the tastes of her ancestral homeland. Her cultural and culinary odyssey eventually brought her back to East York with a single goal: to share the hospitality and cuisine of Greece with her neighbours.

Within a few weeks of her return, she’d taken over part of the family home at the corner of Oak Park and Lumdsen and transformed it into the Oak Park Deli. Since October of 2006, Toula has been serving made-to-order meals to East York familes through the deli counter, as well as providing catering services to various organizations and for various functions throughout the GTA.

The secret of her success is simple: home-cooked goodness, with a Hellenic twist. It takes a little longer, but the extra care means extra fresh food that you’ll savour with every bite.